140 Gün 22 Saat 35 Dakika 3 Saniye


It is my great honor and pleasure to announce the 17th National Spinal Cord Injuries Symposium which will be held on May 18, 2024 at Istanbul Medeniyet University Aşıkpaşa Conference Hall.

The meeting is organised in collaboration with the PRM Department of Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine & Neurotoxin Society and renowned international experts in the field.

The Spinal Cord Injuries Symposium has been held since 2000. It is a multidisciplinary event, with contributions from distinguished international experts, covering the latest innovations in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of spinal cord injury.

The aim of this symposium is to discuss the latest advances in SCI and SCI-related secondary complications, to promote international and interdisciplinary collaboration, and to interact with industry representatives presenting the latest high technology to help and improve the quality of life of people with spinal cord injury.

Our ultimate goal is to find answers to the question of how we can be more useful in the care and treatment of people with spinal cord injury as they move from the acute phase through rehabilitation and into ageing.

We hope that our Symposium, which will be further strengthened by your participation and your valuable contributions, will be a productive and successful one.


Prof. Belgin Erhan, MD
President of Symposium
Chair, ISCoS Prevention Committee
President, Spinal Cord Injury Study Group of Turkish PMR Specialist Society
President, Neurotoxin Society (Turkish)